Monday, April 30, 2012

Asparagus tips and the cutest little pepper ever!

Look at this little fella! He's sitting on an ipod (classic) for scale.  How cute is this?!

Steve was getting some peppers out of the bag I bought last weekend, and out came this little one! Steve nonchalantly showed it to me, which prompted me to borrow/steal it from him for a minute to snap a few cute little shots.

Less cute, but equally delicious. Tis the season to eat asparagus! A few quick tidbits: when you get asparagus from the grocery store (or wherever), make sure the bunch you choose is pretty firm, fresh-looking and a nice green. You want the tips to be purple-ish (like those here), tight, and not dry-looking. Also, I think it's best if the grocery store has them standing upright in a little thing of ice water to keep them fresh.  

Once you make your selection and head home (preferably after paying), you need to trim off the non-purple-tipped ends. Rather than choosing where to trim the asparagus end, let the asparagus show you where it wants to be trimmed.  Hold the very end between the thumb and forefinger of one of your hands.  Hold an inch or two up the stalk with the other hand in a similar method. Bend the asparagus so that the end snaps off.  Use this method for each of your asparagus stalks. 

we like to eat these sauteed, either straight ouf of the pan or in a frittata!