Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Creamy Goat Cheese Frittata

goat cheese...so creamy!

Steve made a frittata this morning and loaded it with goat cheese, turkey sausage, tomato bits, and sauteed onions and peppers.  He topped it off with some decorative black pepper and paprika. Nice work babe! But really, it was great, and it gets me thinking about all the other kinds of frittatas you could whip up. I'm thinking I want to put asparagus in one! Don't know what else to say, so now that I have your attention, we'll move on to my random thoughts.

I like to look at other food blogs, and a new favorite is "Poor Girl Eats Well." Some of her stuff is kind of weird sometimes, but some of it is very creative and looks delicious. I already have bookmarked four recipes of hers that I want to make. Poor Girl is great because of her dedication to both cheap AND healthy. Even though her financial outlook is far bleaker than mine, I still want to incorporate more beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc into my diet.

My body's been feeling a bit sluggish at yoga, like it's having a hard time recovering. I thought that just meant I sucked, but once I learned how much protein you're supposed to eat, I started looking at labels and actually thinking about what I was eating. I very quickly realized "Oh. I probably need more protein. Maybe that's why my body feels like blah." I love meat and obviously it's a source of protein, but I don't think that people are meant to eat so much meat. I'm not saying people need to go vegetarian; I'm only thinking that people should replace some of the meat in their diet with other forms of protein.

Also, non-meat proteins can be way cheap! A can of beans is between $0.70 and $1.15. Did you know that grocery stores have been experiencing increased rates of people shoplifting cuts of meat?  It makes sense. Meat prices go up, people don't know what else to eat, people steal.  Orrr...instead of doing that, why not make some falafels out of chick peas? Or make a nice beany chili? It could be meatless or just have a wee bit of meat and it will still be delicious. Stretch out the meat supply!

Additionally, beans and their friends have tons of fiber. The FDA says that fiber helps reduce your chance of heart disease. And you already learned in kindergarten about the other benefits of fiber.