Monday, April 23, 2012

Fogo de Chao - Brazilian Mmmmeats

A hotshot researcher came to town, so my advisor asked me where we should go for dinner. I thought of the most expensive place on my bucket list: Fogo de Chao. Lunch is $29 and dinner is $49, so I can safely say that I will not be eating there on my own dime anytime in the next five years. Maybe once I get my PhD things will be different, but for

Fogo de Chao has a bunch of locations throughout the US as well as in Brazil. Some locations are very logical (like all the ones in Texas or large cities) while others leave me scratching my head. Kansas City? Indianapolis? Do these places really deserve exquisite gaucho-style meats?

The first course was an all-you-can-eat salad bar with gourmet cheeses, yummy looking veggies, meats, etc. I ate only one mozz ball, a small pile of cucumbers and tomatoes, and some green beans because I wanted to save room for the main event.

Basic idea of the meat experience: the diner has a card that is red (for "stop pouring meat slabs onto my plate") on one side and green (for "bring on the food!") on the other side. The moment the card is green-side-up, a bunch of servers swarm in for the kill.  Each has a few skewers/swords that contains hunks of meat. They offer over 15 types of meat, which makes the experience really intense and overwhelming. With the help of the Fogo de Chao brochure description (yes, I had to take the brochure; their potentially fake Brazilian accents were too much for me to handle) I am now able to sort through what I was eating. Also, I notice they are quite attached to the word "perfection." Oh, and I am SO UPSET that I didn't bring a camera to show you how ridiculous this all was. UGH.

Meats I ate:
  • Picanha: prime part of the sirloin served seasoned with sea salt and garlic
  • Filet mignon: succulemt piece of meat from the tenderloin and seasoned to perfection. (Also served wrapped in bacon, but I ate the baconless one)
  • Linguica: robust pork sausages seasoned and slow-roasted to mouthwatering perfection (robust to what? non-normality?)
  • Costela de Porco: tender pork ribs slow roasted to perfection
  • Frango: variety of cuts available, but I had a little chicken leg (breasts are also available, wrapped in bacon of course. As the only thing left unfinished on his plate, these failed to impress Steve. )
  • Beef ancho: prime part of the ribeye celebrates the rich flavor and delectable texture of this elite cut
  • Alcatra: top sirloin, tender and full of flavor
  • Fraldinha: bottom sirloin seasoned to perfection
Meats I failed to eat:
  • Cordeiro: fresh young leg of lamb sliced off the bone and tender lamb chops
  • Lombo: tender filets of pork loin encrusted with parm and sizzling with flavor
I also had a cheesey roll (nom), caramelized bananas (OMG), and super-unhealthy mashed potatoes. At least, they have to be super-unhealthy if they were that delicious. Fried polenta was available, but I didn't eat that. Those bananas were too darn tasty.

Also, I enjoyed an incredible caipirinha. I am probably about to offend Brazilians, but it is pretty much a mojito without mint. The cut up an entire lime, add in some super-fine sugar and "cachaca" (the waiter used the word rum though...) No one mentioned any sort of mixer though, so now I'm wondering if it was just pure alcohol or what.  But I am coherent enough to write this post, so it can't be that intense. My advisor had 2 or 3 but he was in the marine corps (rumor: he threw grenades?) so he can handle anything. 

Oh, and of course I had dessert. Molten chocolate cake with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream. AUUUGHGHGHGH so good. Even though I ate ALL those meats I listed, I still managed to entirely consume my dessert (except for the couple bites I shared). I am a beautiful monster.

All in all, awesome meal considering I only had to pay $5 for parking. Would I have paid $80 of my own dollars for that experience? Heck no. At least, not at the tender age of 25.  Might I return for the lunch deal? Maybe when I pass my preliminary oral exam.

While I'm on the topic of Brazil... my Mom has been giving some of my old clothes to this family that moved here from Brazil. I've been like "God, I am such a good person for giving these immigrants my clothing." Then, on Saturday, my Mom showed me a picture of the Brazilian girl and her prom group. I said "What?! She's blond and white and blue eyed?" Dad told me she was the "German stock" of Brazilian. So holy ****. I have been giving my gently used clothes to the daughter of a Nazi.  This hasn't been confirmed (and of course I will never ask) but wow.

To end on a happy note: Brazil has yummy meat. Vegetarians: sorry (although their salad bar is pretty awesome and is much cheaper).