Thursday, May 17, 2012

Vanilla Bean 'Scream with Raspberries and Marmalade

This doesn't need any explanation. However, the simplicity of this dessert says NOTHING about its deliciousness.  Yes, it's just vanilla ice cream with raspberries and maralade. But it's so yummy!  Obviously, if you buy cheap ice cream and unripe berries, then it would suck. Treat yourself nicely by buying a carton of Breyers, my fave. I just love those little dots of vanilla.

 I didn't know until high school that vanilla could taste good. To me, vanilla was synonymous with lame.  I was a hardcore chocolate enthusiast.  Even the act of vomiting almost purely chocolate ice cream did not deter me from eating it. The more chocolatey, the better. One magical day, I was served adult ice cream and my world changed.  Could it be possible that vanilla ice cream is... something to savor slowly?  Another advancement occurred when I realized that sometimes fruit is better in ice cream than chocolate. I am becoming such an adult! ...because adulthood is measured by how many foods you like.