Saturday, June 2, 2012

Lemony Salmon and Rice Pilaf

Steve bought a huuuuuge piece of salmon recently. He cut it in half and made the first half into super-tasty salmon sandwiches and the second half into a lemony dinner (pictured below). This would be a $20 dollar meal at a restaurant, but we made it for... much less. It wasn't a time- or energy-intensive dinner either!  The meal tastes delicious due to the natural flavors of the ingredients (rather than pounding the delicious into the meal with brute force).  I'm not a huge fish fan, but this was pretty good. If you actually enjoy fish, I'm pretty sure you'd think this is awesome.

To make salmon: sprinkle on however much salt, pepper, garlic powder, and rosemary you want. Slice an onions into thin slices, then layer onions underneath and on top on the filet. Wrap in parchment paper and bake at 350 for about 25 minutes. Eaaasy!

To make the rice pilaf: saute diced onions, carrots, and celery. Make rice per instructions on package with chicken stock. After adding the chicken stock, throw in lemon wedges, then allow the rice to finish cooking.

To make asparagus: bust off the ends as described here. Then simply saute with oil, salt, and pepper.