Thursday, July 26, 2012

Brandy Peach Frozen Yogurt

More frozen desserts please!! To cancel out the healthiness of frozen yogurt, let's throw in a couple tablespoons of brandy! Actually, I don't know if we can call froyo healthy, but it's better for you than ice cream. If you buy the yogurt with live and active cultures (like you ALWAYS should), then your gut will have happy little probiotics in it. Yay!

women: you must eat this every day to stay healthy. men: save this for the women in your lives.

You will need:

  • 1 can peaches in syrup
  • 1 cup plain Greek yogurt (plain, not vanilla!)
  • 1 cup full fat plain yogurt (plain, not vanilla!)
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup sugar (more or less)
  • 2 tablespoons brandy (optional)
  • an ice cream maker

Drain and save one half a cup of the syrup from one can of organic peaches.  Blend or food process the peaches.

Mix together the yogurts, vanilla, peach bits, and peach syrup. Stir in some of the sugar and taste the yogurt and see if it is sweet enough for you.  Add more if you have an unsatisfied sweet tooth.  

Assemble the ice cream maker, immediately pour in the ingredients, and start the machine. Alternatively, if you have a hand-churn ice cream maker, demand that your servants/friends start churning.  When only 2-3 minutes remain of the churning, add the brandy. You want to wait so that the alcohol does not inhibit the dessert's freezing process.

I told you to use plain yogurts because these have less sugar. A cup of plain yogurt has five grams of sugar in comparison to the high levels in vanilla yogurt (or yogurts of other flavors).  I'd rather have plain yogurt and add the sugar to my exact liking. Plus, then it still tastes a bit tangy like yogurt!

You want creamy froyo, right? Then you need to buy fatty yogurts since fat doesn't freeze.  Booze is another trick to keeping your froyo from becoming a block of yogurt ice.  Of course, if you overwhelm your froyo with alcohol, it'll never freeze. (unless your freezer goes down to -114 degrees C). If the amount of alcohol you want to include is more than a couple tablespoons, just separate this amount into two:  a few tablespoons goes into the froyo and whatever is left over goes into your belly.