Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Moroccan Chickpeas and Spinach

Good news! I'm still alive but have been quietly sitting in my apartment eating home-made ice cream for the last few months, refusing to post on this blog, do my research, go to yoga or really do anything unrelated to raising a spoonful of ice cream to my frosty lips. But now I have found the impetus to blog again. What could possibly restore my motivation? Moroccan chickpeas with spinach! Thank you, Steve, for making this and pulling me out of my ice-cream-induced trance!

Alright, maybe it doesn't sound or look delicious, but it is SO good! I admit I had my doubts, but they all disappeared between the first and second chew. The vinegar and the lemon give so much tang to refresh my mouth from months of creamy ice cream! I'm usually not a fan of cooked spinach, but this was so crazily yummy that I ate it all within a day. The best part is it's so healthy. I can't see anything that is unhealthy in this whole recipe. You only need three tablespoons of olive oil, and even that (in moderation) is good for you since some vitamins are fat-soluble. I know I'm a statistician and not a dietician, but I'm pretty sure the facts are irrefutable.

It looks like out of the two Moroccan, vegetarian dishes I've tried, I've loved them both. It looks like I'll need to collect more data to see if there's some kind of trend going on here. I think this is the kind of statistics that everyone loves.